PUC. Curry.
ZAYAT. A place built for the accommodation of travelers, also used as an assembly place for worship, especially during religious feasts; they are usually built near monasteries.
PARAH. (Burmese, payah) a god; an image of Gautama Buddha.
KAM. Luck.
MAU. To be skillful.
AMAT LÖNG. The chief amat or chief counselor of a prince.
SOIE. The Indian "viss"; a weight equal to about three and a half pounds avoirdupois.
CHATTIE. A cooking pot, usually made of earthenware.
HÜK. A deep rent in the earth with steep sides; a ravine; a torrent usually runs in it during the rainy season, but it is dry in the hot season.
HPEA. Spirit or supernatural being.
AMAT. A minister of State.
HSAN. A rice bag.
NANG ME PRAH. A queen.